For Modular Content fields and Structured Text fields. If set, returns full payload for nested blocks instead of IDs
Attributes to manage results pagination
import { buildClient } from '@datocms/cma-client-node';async function run() {const client = buildClient({ apiToken: '<YOUR_API_TOKEN>' });const itemId = '6542';// this only returns the first page of results:const itemVersions = await client.itemVersions.list(itemId, {nested: true,page: {offset: 200,limit: 20}});itemVersions.forEach((itemVersion) => {console.log(itemVersion);});// this iterates over every page of results:for await (const itemVersion of client.itemVersions.listPagedIterator(itemId,{nested: true})) {console.log(itemVersion);}}run();
{id: '6542',title: 'My first blog post!',content: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...',category: '24',image: {alt: 'Alt text',title: 'Image title',custom_data: {},focal_point: null,upload_id: '20042921'},meta: {created_at: '2020-04-21T07:57:11.124Z',is_published: true,is_current: true},item_type: {type: 'item_type',id: '44'},item: {type: 'item',id: '4235'},editor: {type: 'account',id: '312'}}